(I can’t lay it out in Word Press, but if you shift the short lines to center, the poem forms a cross.)
The cross is as an emblem
of my love, pure and true
and serves as a reminder
of my suffering for you.
For it was on a wooden cross I was nailed and lifted up.
And because of my great love for you, I drank the bitter cup.
The mind cannot perceive and there are no words to tell,
the greatness of My pain, as that hammer struck each nail.
I hung and died there on that cross, to ransom you from sin,
that when your life is over, heavens gate may bid you in.
Let not what I have suffered
be forgotten, or for naught,
but remember why I came
and remember all I taught.
Live each day in such a way
that all who know you see,
a kind and grateful Christian
who loves, and lives, for Me.
You are precious in my sight.
I saved your soul from loss.
So think how great My love
every time you see a cross.