Best Of The Best Teacher

  There are dedicated doctors saving many lives each day. Lawyers who are good enough to never lose a case.   There are great mechanics, great bosses and great cooks. Super pilots, race car drivers, and great authors who write books.   Policemen and...

Birds And Words

  Birds are birds, and words are words, and both can fly with ease. Ugly words are for the birds and not for humans………Pleeeze.

God’s Colors

  Earth wouldn’t be as beautiful if all God’s flowers were blue. If rainbows were only yellow that would be a sad thing too.   Suppose the ocean and the sky were both the color white. And everyone on Earth wore black. Wouldn’t that be a sight?   God...

Heaven’s Suitcase

  A little boy was asked one day, (A boy of only seven) “What would you take with you if God called you up to Heaven?”   He thought for but a moment, and this was his reply, “I think I’d take my Mom & Dad, and here’s the reason why.   My mom is...

One Mouth

We have TWO eyes that we may see. TWO ears that we may listen. ONE mouth; So use it half as much and see what you’ve been missin’.

Reach For That Star (Graduation)

  Congratulations graduate! Give that hat a toss.   There is no mountain you can’t climb, or river you can’t cross.   There are no hidden treasures Too hard for you to find.   The world is yours to conquer, Just open up your mind.   You’re on...

The Awaited Visit

(A True Story) I stopped at a local rest home to visit a an ailing friend, when an elderly lady waved at me from her door near the hallway’s end.   She was happy when I walked over. There was something she wanted to say. She smiled and said from her wheelchair, “My...

The Dash Between

by Ron Tranmer©   I knelt there at the headstone of one I love and cried. Name, with dates of birth and death were perfectly inscribed.   I pondered these two dates and how little they both mean when compared to the tiny dash that lies there in between.   The...

Treasured Memories

  Memories are little treasures which we store inside our brain, to keep a loved one in our heart ‘til they’re in our arms again.

Unkind Words

  Our hearts have little sensors that connect right to the ears. When unkind words reach the heart the eyes oft times shed tears.   But when the sensors tell the heart kind words have entered in; The heart is filled with happiness and tells the mouth to...

Unsung Hero’s

    Speeding down a busy street, in route to fire with blazing heat. Firefighters, without a doubt, are on their way to put it out.     Dear Lord, we offer up this prayer for firefighter’s everywhere. The bravest of the brave we know, who tread...

Whatcha’ Got

  Whatcha’ got doesn’t matter a lot. It’s whatcha’ do with whatcha’ got!