My spirit left my body,
and I looked down to see;
You were softly weeping
while standing over me.
I cried out, “Here I am,
way up above your head!”
But you couldn’t hear me
so I guessed that I am dead.
I walked over to an angel
who I saw was standing by,
and ask, “Is this a dream,
or did I really, truly die?”
She looked at me and smiled;
Took me by my hand and said,
“No, you are not dreaming…
I’m afraid you’re really dead.
I replied, “But I’m not ready.
I have lots of things to do.
Put me back into my body and
don’t take me ‘till I’m through.
I’ll go to church on Sunday,
and do the things I should.
If I must go today, my time
on earth won’t look so good.
I’ll say my prayers each evening
and spend time with family.
I’ll give a little to the poor
and make God proud of me.
I’ll be honest, kind, and caring
if He’ll only let me stay.
I promise…I had planned
to make these changes anyway.
The angel said, “I’m sorry.
The changes would be great;
But as I said, you are dead,
and now it’s just too late..”
She led me to a winding road
that had a steep decline.
“Paved with Good Intentions”
I saw written on a sign.
I hung my head in sorrow
for I knew very well;
It was I, who paved the road
that I’d now take to Hell.