The cross is as an emblem

of a love beyond compare.

A reminder of Golgotha

and my Savior, who died there.


Because of His great love for me

He suffered, bled and died.

Upon a cruel, rugged cross,

my Lord was crucified.


The mind cannot perceive,

and there  are  no words to  tell,

the  greatness of  His pain,

as that hammer struck each nail.


He hung and died upon that cross,

to ransom all from sin;

That  when our lives are over,

heavens gates  may bid us in.


I’ll not forget His sacrifice

and let it be for naught;

But remember why He  came

and live as He has  taught.


So when He looks upon the earth

from heaven, He will see

I live each day with gratitude

for what He’s done for me.


I’ll give my life to Him,

for He saved my soul from loss,

And I will be reminded

every time I see a cross.