When we follow our dear Savior
we’re as sheep of His fold.
He knows us and will lead us,
as in scripture we are told.
The Savior, as our Shepard,
will surround us with His love.
He will guide us, and watch over us
and bless us from above.
May we never, ever wander
from His flock and become prey
to that wolf, whose name is Satan,
who would lead us all astray..
But be safe and never perish,
for when righteously we stand,
Satan, that evil wolf,
can’t pluck us from His hand.
As we follow our dear Shepard,
what great blessings we shall reap.
Eternal life, and joy untold
as our Saviors faithful sheep.


John 10: 27, 28.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and
they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life;
and they shall never perish, neither shall any man
pluck them out of my hand.